James' Birthday
(2-5th of August 24)
James’s Birthday Slumber Party at Joylery was honestly unforgettable. Friends came from all over—Rotem and Edgar flew in from Israel, Adrian took a ridiculous number of trains just to bring a box of magical mangoes for a 12-hour stay, and Viktor drove all the way from Hamburg. With August heat bearing down, Hendrik and James took turns driving us to Bornsdorf Lake five times to cool off—it was a lifesaver.
Everyone showed up ready to party, rocking animal onesies and totally embracing the slumber party vibe. We had BBQs, danced around bonfires, and even chilled in a kiddy pool filled out of rainwater buckets. Our Berlin crew brought extra sparkle with glitter, a bit of drag, and plenty of laughs that won over the locals. For three days, it was all about awesome company, thoughtful gifts, and just good times. James’s birthday? Total win, and we’re all still buzzing from it!